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Dead Game. The patreon also hasn't been updated since July 1st 2023

Enjoying the story/prologue thus far. It is different so don't expect sex or anything explicit right away. I guess it is a nice change following the back scene  as life progresses.

(2 edits) (+2)(-2)

fuck me let me just say this, when they say the prologue is long they mean it lmfao, this game so far has been amazing great story work!

i really hope at some point we get to be with Rachel and she keeps the child,  this story for me so far makes me want to stay loyal to Rachel and hope soon enough they be together and  she waited for the mc.


Wow, really good artwork! Smokin' hot models! Good soundtrack to go with too. Love the potential.

Deleted 272 days ago

Yeah, he probably is. Thanks for sharing!

(1 edit)

Hiiii!! Quick question. Is there any more story expansion for life happened? Or that's just it?


Every two months, give it or take, a new update is released. If you like it, please consider joinning as a patron.


This was actually really good. At points you become completely engrossed in the story and you want to know what happens next. Obviously there are spelling mistakes here and there, but after a while your brain just corrects them. There was a scene that irked me a bit and that was the one where Marco is holding the gun to you know who's head and the gun is completely empty yet he still fires it, but other than that it was great.  Would definitely watch a movie adaptation. Well done.

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LooseZipties, thank you for this wonderful feedback!

About the english mistakes, I've already got 2 proofreaders to help me fix It.

Thank you for pointing out the empty gun. I'll fix that mistake!

Hope to hear more frm you soon...